The original appliqué works of Aesop's Fables, which were exhibited at Gallery House MAYA (Tokyo,Japan) from December 5 to 13, 2016.
I have produced appliqué works by reusing antique fabrics for a few years. I'm attracted by their own secret histories and meanings as well as faded color and fragile texture.
I have produced appliqué works by reusing antique fabrics for a few years. I'm attracted by their own secret histories and meanings as well as faded color and fragile texture.
Re-inventing old fabrics can create rich and rewarding results in expression.
色褪せたり、ほころびたりした古い布の持つ味わいが好きで、古布を集めるようになりました。縁有って私の元へ集まって来た布を、もう一度表舞台に出してあげようと、3年程まえから古布を使ったアップリケ作品を作っています。 今回、アップリケと刺繍を組み合わせる事で、表現の幅がぐっと広がった気がします。
Some of the appliqué works are on sale at the online stores below;