The original appliqué works of Aesop's Fables, which were exhibited at Gallery House MAYA (Tokyo,Japan)  from December 5 to 13, 2016. 
I have produced appliqu
é works by reusing antique fabrics for a few years. I'm attracted by their own secret histories and meanings as well as faded color and fragile texture.
Re-inventing old fabrics can create rich and rewarding results in expression.

色褪せたり、ほころびたりした古い布の持つ味わいが好きで、古布を集めるようになりました。縁有って私の元へ集まって来た布を、もう一度表舞台に出してあげようと、3年程まえから古布を使ったアップリケ作品を作っています。 今回、アップリケと刺繍を組み合わせる事で、表現の幅がぐっと広がった気がします。

Some of the appliqué works are on sale at the online stores below;
Gallery House MAYA

 The Rabbit and the Tortoise   2016 
250mm x 300mm 
The painting method of “Emakimono”  (showing the successive movement of tortoise in one picture)
 is effective to present the passage of time.
 (antique linen, cotton, kimono, etc.)

ウサギとカメ 2016 

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse  2016
220mm x 300mm
The contrast of bright & dark clothes shows well 
the features of the country mouse and the town mouse. 
(antique linen, cotton, scrapped cloth, etc.)

街のネズミと田舎ネズミ  2016 

The Cat and the Mice  2016 
 250mm x 320mm
The robot of mouse  criticizes that no mice take actions but debate.
(antique linen, cotton, scrapped cloth, etc.)

ネズミの会議  2016 
The Fox and the Grapes  2016 
220mm x 300mm 
I got a piece of beautiful light purple fabric. 
It became the very mysterious when I matched it with a liquor bag. 
(Liquor bag, scrapped cloth,etc.)

きつねとぶどう  2016 

The Cat and the birds  2016 
220mm x 300mm
I stitched the cat’s eyes carefully to breathe life. 
Then, my eyes met her! (antique linen, indigo-dyed cloth, etc.)

猫と小鳥たち 2016 

The frog which wanted to become big like a cow   2016 
230mm x 300mm
The yellow-check cloth makes frog look bigger. 
The yellow would be harmonized well with antique Indigo blue.  
(antique linen, indigo-dyed cloth,scrapped cloth, etc.)

カエルとウシ 2016 

The Goose and the Golden Eggs   2016 
210mm x  300mm 
I densely stitched white linen with white silk thread to have the goose be luxurious.
 (antique linen, cotton, scrapped cloth, etc.)

金の卵を産む鶏  2016 

 The Boy and the Wolf   2016 
210mm x 300mm 
I found a beautiful woven cloth with various fancy yarn. 
I cut it into a wolf which is big enough to swallow sheep.
 (antique linen, cotton, scrapped cloth, etc.)

羊飼いとオオカミ 2016 

The Jackdaw's Fine Feathers   2016
240mm x 330mm
The birds surrounding the crow are leftover which have been made 
when I cut out the feather of the crow. 
(antique sakabukuro, cotton, scrapped cloth, etc.)

おしゃれなカラス 2016 

The Dog and the Shadow   2016 
180mm x 220mm
I reflected the every detail of upper part to the lower part as exactly as possible.
 (antique linen, indigo-dyed cloth,scrapped cloth, etc.)

肉をくわえた犬 2016 

The Lion and the Mouse   2016
300mm  x 210mm
 I embroidered with white thread on various red-cloth pieces ,
which is  rich in decorativeness and design. 
(antique linen, cotton, kimono, etc.)

ライオンとネズミ 2016 

The Donkey who carries salt   2016
 270mm x 190mm
The delicate white stitches likened to the dropping salt
 looks beautiful being contrasted with dark indigo blue and bluish red.
 (antique linen, indigo-dyed cloth,scrapped cloth, etc.)

塩を運ぶロバ 2016 

キツネとコウノトリ 2016 

The Fox and the Stork   2016
 315mm x 230mm  
I express the passage of time by moving a viewpoint
 from the red fox area  to the inside of pot.
 (antique linen, cotton, kimono, etc

The Fox and the Stork   2016
300mm x 210mm 
 I made another story of “The fox and the Stork”
 to take part in “New Year Shiritori art” exhibition.
 The given title was “consommé”.
 (antique linen, cotton, kimono, etc.)

キツネとコウノトリ② 2016 


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