Producer: APJ graphic station
Illuatration: MICAO
Dealer: Directly managed stores by APJ
Illuatration: MICAO
Dealer: Directly managed stores by APJ

Title: "Red shose" 2016
Based on "Red shoes" of the nursery rhyme

Title: "cat shoemaker" 2015

Title: ”Cat town” 2015

Title: ”Let's go to the tea party!” 2015

Giclee prints are on sale at major department store in Japan.

"Circus" 2014

"The crown of the wild flowers" 2014

"How are you?" 2014

" Look! Giraffes are at Kobe port!" 2013

"Red Mt. Fuji" 2013

"Fairy in the sewing machine" 2012

"Fantasy Land" 2013